Dataset Standards
- Exploration and Production Reports
- Acquisition- PDF/Word
- Processing- PDF/Word
- Reprocessing- PDF/Word
- Well completion report-PDF/Word
- Technical reports- PDF/Word/PP
2. Well Data
- Cores
- Samples
Washed & unwashed cuttings
Reference cuttings-Coarse & Fine
Sidewall cores
Oil, Gas, & Condensate
- Slides
Petrological slides
Paleontological slides
- Geophysical well logs-T-Lis, D-Lis, Las, JPEG
3. Seismic 2D/3D data
- Field/Raw Data-SEGD
- Processed Data-SEGY
- Navigation file-ASCII
- Gathers
- Observers Log-PDF
4. Gravity, Magnetic, & Aeromagnetic Data
- Raw Data-Geosoft database (GDB), Excel database, Text
- Processed data-Grids (Grd), XYZ, GeoTIFF
- Getech-RSA consolidated offshore gravity and magnetic data (use the link: South Africa Country Focus – Getech’s essential grav, mag, seismic, wells and GIS products | Getech | Unlocking the Earth’s Energy Potential)
5. Geochemical Data
- Source Rock Information-Excel
- Vitrinite Data-Excel
- Gas Chromatograms-PDF
- Biomarker Data-PDF
- Sniffer Data-Excel