Viewing our technical data
- The well names and core depths will be indicated in the first box of each core. The cores will also be cleaned before viewing.
- Cores should be left in the same order that it was when viewing started.
- If sampling of cores are needed, it should be arranged when the booking is made. Limited small quantities of sampling can be authorised but should be restricted to essential evaluation or research projects only.
- A spray bottle with water, wiping cloths, small sample bags and acid can be provided on request.
- A fluoroscope is also available for usage.
- Strict rules will apply to security, access and handling of cores and samples during any viewing process.

A Data Room has been established at Petroleum Agency SA in Cape Town where interested parties may view all data available including a viewing set consisting of selected reports, seismic data and associated results.
Arrangements can also be made to view well cuttings, drilling mud samples and core data.
Bookings for the Data Room should be made by completing the
Data Room Booking form and e-maling it to:, including the
Confidentiality Undertaking.
The Data Viewing procedures relating to the manner in which potential clients and their representatives may use the facilities is made available here:
Data Viewing Procedures
The facility is located at:
Petroleum Agency SA
Heron Place
First floor, Heron Close
Century City
Cape Town
South Africa
Tel: (27) 21 938 3500
The core layout facility is located at;
Milnerton Terminal
Cnr Tygerberg and Plattekloof Roads
Cape Town
* Microscopes are available for sample viewing.

An interactive technical data browsing and ordering system is available that can be accessed through the following link:
For detailed assistance with the use of the web portal:
The system provides for the viewing of various layers of information through an interactive geographical information system. Different layers like, data asset elements (wells and seismic surveys), existing active licenses, basins, national parks, towns and provinces can be overlaid onto base-maps. The database can be queried on availability of existing data within the area of interest.
Further functionality exists in querying the database through user defined polygons, wildcard multiple asset element definitions and ordering the data through a user registration process.
Clients ordering data, need to register as a Commercial, Governmental or Academic entity before any orders can be placed. Once registered, an e-mail will be sent to the client to provide them with the necessary login information. In following the prescribed procedure, the client can then select the data they require and place an order.
The following process flow diagram illustrates the process of ordering documents on data from the online store:

Access to interpretation project data can be provided by viewing these datasets in IHS Kingdom or Petrel workstation formats. A workstation will be provided in the Data Room with the loaded project data to view and select required data. A Geoscientist or a representative from the Agency will assist the visitor during the viewing process.
Example of interpretation window :

Example of cross section :

PASA has a specialised library that houses various collections of publications, namely:
- Books (O&G industry specific, HR, Finance and Legal)
- Gondwana References
- Periodicals

- All references and other related articles are available in digital format.
- All requests to use the Library should be made directly with the Librarian
- The booking should be made at least 24 hours in advance.
- PASA Library does not have an Interlibrary Loan System therefore only internal loans are available.
- A list of library books can be viewed on request.
- The Petroleum Agency SA accepts donations of Earth science books with emphasis on South African Geology.
- Please contact the Librarian for donations. SUPPORT THE LIBRARY!

Shape-files containing information on available data can be downloaded for the following areas by clicking on the links below:
(Please note that our lease data is updated on a 3 month basis)
RSA Offshore Lease Areas
RSA Onshore Lease Areas
RSA Onshore Wells
RSA Offshore Seismic3D