Compliance with the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act, 2002 (Act No. 28 of 2002) (“MPRDA”) and any other relevant legislation is important. Therefore, the Agency has developed guidelines intended to assist both applicants
and holders of permits/right holders to comply fully with MPRDA and any other relevant legislation.
Prospective applicants and holders of permits/rights are advised to read the following guidelines together with MPRDA and any other relevant legislation:
– Environmental Impact assessment
– Social and Labour plan guidelines

The Petroleum Agency SA receives and processes Applications for permits/rights, and also, for lodging Environmental Authorizations (EAs). Application forms can be downloaded below and emailed to upon completion.
Application for Exploration Right
Application for Production Right
Application for Reconnaissance Permit
Application for Tecnical Co-operation Permit
Application for Environmental Authorisation
Application in Terms of Section 20
Application in Terms of Section 102
EA Amendment Application form_Application in Terms of Section 102
Closure Certificate Application